Blast from the past
I was thinking about all the books I read from about grade 3 to high school. I read alot. I mean it. I spent so much time reading, I am surprised I ever saw the outdoors.
I really just feel like sharing some of my favorites right now.

Yes, I did read these. What can I say, young nerdy girls need love too! Sweet Valley High Series by Francine Pascal.
Oh how I loved the adventures of Ramona Quimby! I still can remember her rousing rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. I really have to get on the ball and buy C this whole set.
I know, it's hard to see. But this little picture is none other than The Hardy Boys Casefiles by Franklin W. Dixon. Here's a secret, I really wanted to be Joe's girlfriend...ahhh, to dream.

Chain Letter by Christopher Pike. I can't talk about my pre-teen favorites without pulling out Christopher Pike. His books were so cool to read. The characters would really come alive to me.
There are many more authors and books I spent my "impressionable" years with than I have mentioned. It would be impossible for me to list them all. I remember that I used to go to the library so often that I got to the point where I would run my hand down a row of books and wherever I stopped, that's what I read.
Let me give an honorable mention to Judy Blume. Who didn't love Superfudge or Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great? Wow, I just looked up some Blume books..and I think I may have read her entire library!
So, how 'bout it? Who were your favorite authors in your pre-teen and elementary years?
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